Wecome to my ramblings! On a positive note, this mad load of text may even help someone, which is the purpose of the thing. And to give me something to do when I can't sleep!
Thanks for visiting!

Tuesday 31 August 2010

Wer'e wide awake...........

Ok. It's almost 3am & I have finished getting my head around the idea of blogging & getting it all set up. I have spent a couple of hours writing my story for total strangers to read, (albeit anonymously!) & it feel's kind of ok! My partner bless him, has just come into the living room wondering where I am. Poor sod should be used to it by now. By default whether I like it or not, I am a nocturnal creature. So here I sit, repeats of Law & Order on the Hallmark channel playing in the background. I have chain smoked over 30 cigs & drank copious amounts of tea so I doubt that will help with the slumber issues! I am feeling restless, irritable, & discontented. I don't like not sleeping, it unsettles me & Fucks up my day. The only positive thing about manic episodes is that I get things done. (I have done every bit of laundry in the house, & done all the housework) Now I sit here & wonder is it worth going to bed? If I don't I will feel like total shite by noon & look like an extra from 28 weeks later. If I do I will end up in a coma again till 4 or 5pm, thus Fucking up yet another day.
Sod it, I may as well stay up. I am bored though, totally bored. I have been on Facebook & looked at all the pointless "Having my dinner" & "watching Big Brother" status updates. Who fucking cares what you are watching?? Jesus! What a load of self obsessed Bollocks! I do think that a lot of people put crap on Facebook though, don't you? I bet their lives are just as glum as mine most of the time, they are just too proud to say it.
Well, it's now 3.30am & here I still sit typing random rubbish into a text box. I am also wondering what to do today already. The kids are still off school so I might take them to see a film. I also have to ring the bank after the tossers at BT took my Direct Debit of £77  3 weeks early! Bloody Wankers. I tried & failed to sort this out with BT over the phone already, but the guy on the other end could not understand a word I said, & I got fed up with spelling out my sentences like Big Bird from Sesame Street.
Perhaps I will have a shower & try to read myself to sleep after all. I have just bought James Patterson's Kiss the Girls & hope it will not be a let down as it's not my usual read. I am also thinking of my parents & the fantastic legacy they have passed on - NOT. I remember the Head & Shoulders advert in which a bright eyed Melanie Sykes smiles into the camera admiring all the things she has inherited, like dark eyes & shiny hair. Well good for you Mel! All I inherited was debt's, Alcoholism , acne & mental illness! Gee, thanks for that guys, a real trust fund that is!
On that note, I will say goodnight. Here's hoping the next few hours will perk up a bit.

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