Wecome to my ramblings! On a positive note, this mad load of text may even help someone, which is the purpose of the thing. And to give me something to do when I can't sleep!
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Tuesday 31 August 2010

Oh Lordy...........

Well Happy campers, another day is almost over before it's begun for me. After trying & failing to stay awake, I dropped off at 6am only to wake up again at 4pm :((   I so hate this pattern! I always make plans & I always fail. I had all my lists set out for all the things I was going to do. I just can't seem to get it together. I have taken my 300mg dose of  Quetapine an hour early in the hope that it will kick in & make me sleep at a reasonable hour. I doubt it, but lets hope. Tomorrow is after all another day to try & get things right. On a positive note, my 7 year old is back in his school time routine of shower, hot chocolate, teeth brushed & bed by 8.15pm. He starts back at school on Monday so I don't want him to be tired out by late holiday bedtimes. My 16 year old had vacated the squat she calls a bedroom & gone to her friends, without I may add cleaning the pit. How she can live like a vagrant is beyond me. The place needs fumigation & I for one am staying well clear!! My 13 year old is on the X Box & he seems happy for now. I can't bloody wait for them to go back to school as I am sure they are bored stiff of hanging round here. This house seems to become more & more like an outpatients unit by the day. I have decided to settle down & watch a good programme on BBC 1 with my long suffering partner this evening. Having shot round on a manic spree cleaning & washing yesterday I have little chores to do. We watched Eastenders & had a chuckle at Sam Mitchel's awful acting & facial expressions. Boy that girl is an advert for how not to do Botox! Poor cow looks more like a crunched up wotsits packet & has as much acting ability. Then there's Carol Jackson, the mouth of Walford & her nasty puffa jacket. God bless Eastenders. Crack addicts, loons, chavvy wardrobes, minging earrings & Ian Beale. Great therapy! Who needs an AA meeting when you can sit & watch this? Speaking of chavs, I saw on the news this evening that the Banksy artwork done in the town of Hastings last week has been vandalised. I did wonder how long it would take someone to do that. Fucking Idiotic flangeheads! You know what they say though, you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear. You have to possess at least one functioning brain cell to appreciate Art, & it is waisted on that town. Anyway, I am off now to have a nice shower & pig out in front of the box. I may log in  with more rants later on if I can't sleep. until then , I wish you a happy evening!
Love as,


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