Wecome to my ramblings! On a positive note, this mad load of text may even help someone, which is the purpose of the thing. And to give me something to do when I can't sleep!
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Wednesday 1 September 2010

Life sucks.........

Not happy! Woke up at 5.30pm, despite all my efforts to go to sleep early, I have failed again. My poor partner who suffers from high blood pressure is at a loss as to what to do. TBH so am I. Why is this happening to me? I feel like a bloody vampire! I have hardly seen the kids & I am sure they think I do it on purpose. ATM life sucks. So what am I going to do now? I am fast becoming a victim of my own making, something I have battled not to be for so long. Perhaps this is my life script. I have spoken to my AA sponsor over email but this is something she can't help me with. Ok, think positive, what can I do about it? Go to the GP & find out if they can help. I will do that tomorrow, though I doubt they can do anything. The mental health unit are shite, so no point phoning them up. I feel such a useless Mother. That's the part that hurts the most about the whole situation. My poor kids. I will be glad when they are back at school so they don't have to be around here. I have bought all their uniform & everything - that God for Internet shopping! I have also got all my Daughters college stuff so at least that's done. I have got to do something about this. I feel so isolated & low. The aim of this blog was to help me voice my feelings & to hopefully help others. Not that I am much use to anyone ATM. I sound like a self obsessed whinge bag! Tomorrow is another day, I tell myself that a lot. I am going to sleep on the sofa tonight & hope that I wake up to the happy sounds of my Boys bouncing around. Please God..........
For now, 

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