Wecome to my ramblings! On a positive note, this mad load of text may even help someone, which is the purpose of the thing. And to give me something to do when I can't sleep!
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Saturday 4 September 2010

What a shame

Oh what a shame! I had been saving all my rotten tomato's up to chuck at Tony Blair, however I missed my chance. Drat! I will have to keep them all now till I get the chance to throw them at the HMRC officials responsible for this latest Tax mess.Christ! This lot are so useless they could not organise a piss up in a brewery! I vote for Timmy Mallet to take over as prime minister, then we can all go around hitting people on the heads with mallets if they piss us off. That is what I call therapy! 
Well at least I am up & alert today for once. The lovely autumn sunshine woke me up & I feel strangely alive. I think this new routine of sleepers & camomile tea is doing the trick at last! My plans for the evening are sitting down with the kids & watching X Factor stuffing chocolates. It's the usual Saturday night ritual in our house. My Daughter is fuming because her BF has let her down, so she is stomping around the house like King Kong on LSD. I think we are going to be in for a fun evening there, the joy of teenagers! Personally I think they should be locked up from the ages of 12-20 for their (& our) sanity. Never mind, school/college soon. A welcome release for irate UK parents everywhere. Good job too, as I am sure I will be totally bald soon, having pulled out the last few hairs on my head in frustration. Anyway dinner time calls. Check in later peeps, till then, be well!

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