Wecome to my ramblings! On a positive note, this mad load of text may even help someone, which is the purpose of the thing. And to give me something to do when I can't sleep!
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Sunday 5 September 2010

All sorted

It's 8.15pm on a Sunday night & I am all finished with my chores, thank God. Little one's treasure hunt & homework done, bathed, hot chocolate & biscuits administered & story read. They are back at school tomorrow & routine is so important at this age. Even if I can't get myself sorted out, at least they are in regular habits! My bedtime routine was messed up last night after I had to wait up for the prodigal 16 year old to roll in at 2am! Boy did she get a mouthful! I am afraid she is not Paris Hilton, & this is not the Savoy either. No room service & bell boys here! Bloody cheek of these teenagers! She has got one Hell of a shock coming to her. It turns out that her friend, a Boy of 19, has won 2 million on the Lotto. Not that I am bitter of course (spotty oik!) My Daughter was driving around in his car with friends crying over the BF going away to Rugby college. I am so looking forward to the tantrums this will entail! She starts college tomorrow, so hopefully she can get motivated into her course & making new friends. In reality she try's to act like a 20 year old, but has not got the maturity at all that she thinks she has. She lives in a bubble, which I am to blame for in truth. My life at her age was a far cry from her life now. I can't expect her to know that though, at 16 she is still a child, whether she likes it or not. 
On a positive note, the Autumn sunshine is hitting all the right notes with me, love it! September is always a nice month. I am hoping to get a few days out with the children to the zoo & stuff before the winter blues kick in - a whole new set of obstacles for the depressive. Then there is new Drama on BBC 1 & ITV to look forward to, which will make a nice change from bloody Eastenders, which lately I need a Valium to even watch! Torn between the Pikey Jackson's, Phil Mitchel's attempt at crack house chic, & the "who got pissed enough to knock up Sam Mitchel?" saga. Oh, & not forgetting serial killer in the making Becca, who has a facial expression that permanently looks like she is expecting a clump in the gob. (I am 1st in the queue guys, sorry) I love the way they attempt to portray mental illness in these soaps. I am a bi polar sufferer, & I am sure if I carried on like Jean Slater I would have been in that padded cell yonks ago. It is so unrealistic. When I am stable, I am actually quite normal (cough....splutter...) She runs around everyday  like Jerry springer on Meth! No wonder poor Stacey is Fucked up. I would have been having a holiday at HMP Holloway by now If I lived with that! Come on Enders writers, get a reality check!
Anyway, I am sure you have heard enough of my bile for one evening. I am off to drink tea, stuff home make Chicken Tikka, & smoke out my lungs with toxins in front of the box. Wishing you a happy Sunday!

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