Wecome to my ramblings! On a positive note, this mad load of text may even help someone, which is the purpose of the thing. And to give me something to do when I can't sleep!
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Saturday 12 February 2011

Well I never.....................

Well people hello! How is everyone today?? Missed me? I have been tr es busy since my last post & I want to tell you all about the news. I have a job! Two actually!! How exciting is that?? One is in a shop & another in a nursing home. I am just waiting for my CRB (well, she's a bit batty but not an axe murderer) check & a start date for the nursing home & as for the shop job, I had my 1st day this week & it went OK. Apart from my not realising just how many different types of organic bread there is (loads BTW) I think I will get on OK!!
 On the Bi polar front I am doing well. The sleeping problems are a thing of the past, thanks to a lovely little drug called Mirtazapine!! I am getting there. I am sleeping well most nights & getting up at 6.15am bright & bushy. It's a miracle!! (oh, hang on........youngest wants a drink. Be Right with you)..................................
OK I am back. Where was I.......Yep the drug. It was prescribed by my lovely Doc to cure my insomnia. (why they never gave it to me before is a bit of a baffle, but hey-ho) & I am finding the extra weight I have gained a little bit of a worry, but you can't have jam on your egg can you? I am just grateful I am now partaking in normal life.
 I am just in the process of coming off of Income support & going into Working tax credits. It will be the 1st time in over 5 years that I have been able to do that, which is fantastic!! Yes, we will be a little better off each week but it's not about the money. For me it is all about the self esteem. I have been bringing up children since I was 18, & have lost my identity along the way. This is my chance to get that back. I will struggle, I always do with change. Don't we all??  All I have ever wanted is to be normal. Not a statistic. I am now a working mum & it feels great!
Not much else to tell you really, oh, apart from this lovely guy that comes into the shop. Nice bloke, but He loves to wear women's clothes. This day he has on a pair of semi sheer ladies tights, no underwear (;@) & a hat with flowers on it! I had to keep my eyes on his as I served the sourdough loaf!! I almost peed myself with laughter afterwards looking at all the old biddies faces when he came in! Classic one of those moments you never forget. I wonder what he will be wearing next week........??

Till then lovelies, taa laa xxxxxxxxxxxx

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